Personalised Nutrition

How We Work

No matter where you are located, we have a way of working with you.

In Mumbai

Mumbaikars you can visit us at any one of our centres in Mumbai.

Our one-on-one personalised consultations are designed to give you advice on any specific questions you may have or a view on your current nutrition, training and/or lifestyle. All this is aimed towards ensuring you have the required clarity to make a positive difference in your life.

Post enrolment in any one of our programmes, we will surely meet face to face during your scheduled appointments, but we will also keep in touch with you through our custom designed Web & Mobile based application which will help keep everything organised and smooth.

See below 5 step explanation of how we work.

How We Work


Register online via our Web App and provide us some details about your health and your goals. Then schedule an orientation appointment at the centre of your choice.


Kinita personally conducts all orientations. During this appointment, she will discuss your health history, your current diet, lifestyle, your goals / targets and any other specific dietary requirements you may have.


Post Orientation, Kinita will recommend a list of tests you will need to perform and will also suggest a package best suited to your requirements. On purchasing the package, you will have full access to all the PRO Features of our Web & Mobile App. Select Advanced Tests may also be recommended.

Lets Begin

Once you have purchased the package and uploaded the requested reports, you can schedule you first appointment post which your first Customised Meal Plan will prescribed for you. Based on the frequency of your package you can then schedule your next appointment at the centre of your choice.


Kinita and/or our nutritionist will be in regular touch to monitor your progress and will be always available to answer any diet related questions you may have. This will continue till your number of sessions are utilised OR till package end date is reached – whichever finishes first.

Outside Mumbai

We work globally from our centres in Mumbai.

Keeping in close contact with our clients and maintaining high levels of collaboration are two key areas we focus on when working remotely. Luckily, we have implemented advanced tools and working methods to help us make an easy shift into remote work without sacrificing the quality—or quantity—of work.

Our consultation programmes are designed to be followed from across the globe. The appointments are conducted over voice or video call as per your convenience.

Post enrolment in any one of our programmes, we will keep in touch with you through our custom designed Web & Mobile based application which will help keep everything organised and smooth.